

So yesterday I confessed that I got weak and emailed blondie 2 times...and he didn't reply, and I was seriously bummed. Well, he finally emailed back late last nite! (and he was sooo sweet, much like a "friend") Yippeee!! (Why am I so happy about this???) I dunno, but I AM happy about it, and my mood is much better now, thank you. I had such a bad day yesterday, but the day before was so good...so this whole breakup thing is doing a brutal rollercoaster routine on my emotions..."UNCLE" already!

Thoughts A Waste of Time -- Joy Zipper
Messenger -- Pinback
Was Hoping -- Alanis MorisetteI


Blogger Jenn said...

oh wait! oh no...i have been in a meeting all morning...didn't see this till now!!

ummm, there now...where is it???

12/20/2005 11:39:00 AM  
Blogger Jenn said...

hey mike!

so i found the email...i left a comment. i am touched...she will be too. a good way to say goodbye.

wish i could say goodbye so eloquently...wish i could just say goodbye to that adorable fuck...lol

12/20/2005 11:49:00 AM  
Blogger Jenn said...

definitely...it was very friendly and totally left the door open for a friendship.

all i have to say about that is good luck. the 'just friends' thing has always worked really well for me and exbfs, until blondie. so hopefully yours will go well.

do you want to give the url to your blog for my visitors to see so they know what the fuck we're talking about?

12/20/2005 01:35:00 PM  
Blogger PinkBunny said...

PinkBunny would like to know what is going on, Mike! Your goodbye letter sounds inspiring.

But I understand it's very private.

12/20/2005 03:36:00 PM  

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