
Happy New Year!

This is the new year. And I have no resolution. hahah...hey wait, wasn't that a line in that old dcfc song?? Anyhoo, i really don't have a resolution. if i had one, it would have to be something that rhymed with the number 6. (i.e. last year's resolution was Come Alive in 2005...lol)

Ok, well after seeing the many lists of fellow bloggers who have made a conscious decision to better their lives in '06, i'm thinking maybe i should have some sort of resolution(s). Here are the things that have been on my mind lately:

1: I sound like a broken record pining away over my breakup with blondie. I still heart that guy so much, and that part prolly wont ever change. So I guess I resolve not to cry over him as much.
2: I'm good at what I do and can't believe I have not done this before. So I resolve to make 6 figure$ this year. (heh...oh lord...no more slacker mode this year).
3: As the textbook Sagittarian that I am, I get bored very easily with stuff. So this year I resolve to complete a project before starting another one (HUGE for me).
4: I resolve to build muscle and stop looking so skinny and emo.
5: I resolve to be a better friend and be more honest.
6: I resolve to spend more time on the computer working, and less time surfing.
7: I resolve to give up my need to be a control freak and not be so afraid of the unknown.
8: I resolve to at least meditate everyday if I can't do a yoga class.

Mmmmmm...i dunno. That's all that pops into my mind right now. But bloody hell..that is quite a list of resolutions...given that I don't usually have serious resolutions. This year will be a first for me.

Wish me luck.

The best to you all in 2006.

Songs playing while my head slightly aches this morning:
This Mess We're In -- P.J. Harvey featuring Thom Yorke
Panthers -- Wilco
Vicious Streak -- New Order
Blue Line Swinger -- Yo La Tengo
French Kicks -- Following Waves


Blogger Kalickokevin said...

Hey Jen:

I regret that this is going to be a longer comment that you might want to read, but I think it's well worth it.

Your truly an inspiration to me, as I go through these troubling times. Everytime I read your blog, I smile thinking that there's someone out there that's happy and still going through a similar experience. You started out rocky, but I can see a change in you. Maybe it's because I'm unable to see you and you're trying to hide somethin'. I dunno. I haven't known you for too long, but I couldn't see you doing that.

Resolution wise, I believe that #4 on your list would be the best thing for you. Not because skinny/emo girls are unattractive, because there are a lot that are. But rather, because when you work out you get a rush of endorphines. Endorphines are the horomones that make you feel good, so you'll not only feel better about your body (hopefully), getting healthier, but also feeling a whole lot better. This could have impacts on your work, your relationships, and it'll make winter a lot easier to cope with.

That's just my opinion. Either way, I know you can follow through with it.

1/01/2006 12:14:00 PM  
Blogger Caro said...

see! you're totally an inspiration, jenn. and now you've started a revolution! (at least in the blog world.) kevin, you're awesome. keep your head up!

1/01/2006 01:12:00 PM  
Blogger PinkBunny said...

Hey Jenn,

Being a fellow Sagittarian, I'm rooting for you on #3! I know how hard it is to stick to something when the initial rush has passed. Good luck!

That is quite a bit of resolutions, but it's all possible!

1/01/2006 09:39:00 PM  
Blogger Caro said...

umm, how many people who just went through a breakup are sagitarrius? i'm one, too. strange.

1/01/2006 11:06:00 PM  
Blogger Jenn said...

Caro, true! macleod of skye is a sagittarius too!! AND, i just witnessed the near-breakup of Robert...yet another sagittarius! this could be the sagittarius breakup support club. lol

most importantly, thanks guys for all your support. new year's day found me feeling pretty down. i am hopeful for the future, but i just gotta get there! haha

1/02/2006 06:07:00 AM  

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