
Punk Posers

God I hate punk posers...kids who wear punk clothes and listen to punk music...but are as worried as mainstreamers about what other people think of them...and don't get what being punk is really about. True punk was never only about fashion or music...the clothes and music represented an ideology of not conforming to a broken social system. I see a lot of kids blindly support causes that don't affect them, and that they really dont care about, like buying Free Martha Tshirts, Free Winona TShirts, punk band Tshirts just to look more punk...but when it comes down to it, they won't stand up for hardly anything cuz it will affect how others view them. They are totally posers. I disrespect that. Being punk is about people who have a heart and care about maybe affecting change in the world, it's not just a fashion statement...fucking posers.

What does this have to do with my breakup? Well, I suspect I may have dated one of the ultimate punk posers. He seems as punk as they come in a lot of ways, but all I see is growing conformity to the man...climbing up the corporate ladder. Some people grow out of punk, I guess.

Ok, to be fair, I am not a punk, but I also don't pretend to be. I am more of a political indie rock chick...and I am only political about injustices to humans. I am not an activist by any stretch. But even believing in karma, I have seen, as well as experienced, the cruelty of man toward man. Its sickening. I just lose respect for those who will not stand up for those who have been victims of this sort of injustice. They need the support of justice-loving people, which definitely would include punks, among others...and unfortunately for too many, their cries for justice fall on empty ears and hard hearts. But I know karma will right things in the end...until that time I just can't let people suffer without at least letting my voice be heard in their behalf. I may just be young and idealistic, but I believe that enough small voices will change the injustices these people face.


Black Friday -- Bah!

Most Popular Wish Lists at Amazon

So I hate holiday shopping...I am a girl, but I still hate it. I actually have all kinds of complaints about the whole holiday season...but I have to admit that I kinda dig shopping online...I don't have to do the crowds, I don't have to gift wrap (woooo), and most times I can shop even last minute and be pretty sure that the person will get the gift on time. So, as always, I've started shopping at Amazon.com...looking for my friends wish lists and the most popular wish lists. So I've spotted this year's most popular wish list. And I totally encourage you to just sit on your arse this holiday season, and shop online. Amazonrocks harder every year because now they even deliver food...how awesome is that?? Is your Amazon wish list listed here?


Thankful for my friends

So I haven't dealt well with this breakup with blondie...cuz in my opinion, we are meant to grow old together. Obviously, at least for now, he has a quite different opinion. But today, I want to acknowledge my sweet friends who have been real friends...helped me deal with breaking up with him, and have been all-around been good people.

Robert has been such a sweetie...truly offering unconditional support, sweetly dealing with my sadness over being apart from blondie, and my American quirks.

Trevor has been a longtime friend and support. He has never been anything but a true friend in word and deed...he is truly amazing. Even living in another state, he makes sure to give me practical support. He told a mutual friend, Brandon that I was needing some support right now, and so he came over and chilled with me tonite. We talked about love a little (of course), but mostly about spirituality and life-changing experiences. He told me about some things he went thru when he was younger and how they have affected his life...so interesting...and encouraging. Brought me books to read and tunes. That was sooo what I needed.

Also, I want to send love back to Natasha (aka Alex) and Elis, Mike G, Anne, Christine, Danny, Joseph and the Todds (M & oil). These amazing friends are also friends in deed. They all pitched in and sent me a wonderful gift. Something that I will never forget and just the thing that I really needed.

Also, I want to send love to my old roommate Chris Anderson. Last Thanksgiving he invited me to his brother's house, and I got to meet his mom and most of his family. That was a very warm, sweet Thanksgiving...and I will miss you this year Chris. xo

A last bit of love has to go to blondie. He has done very kind things for me in the past, and even since our breakup. I am not gonna try to speculate on his motives or whatever, just want to acknowledge his contribution and say that I am gratful for that. Karma.

When you have people in your life like this, true friends...how do you ever pay them all back for their love? I am not sure, but I just want them all to know that I am truly grateful for them today and every day of the year. I love you all.

Happy Thanksgiving

Songs playing:
I Slept With Bonhomme at The CBC -- Broken Social Scene (Gotta love those Canadians, eh?) ;)
Speak for Me -- Cat Power
You Gotta Feel It -- Spoon
Don't Let It Get You Down -- Spoon
Love and Mathematics -- Broken Social Scene


...i gotta hear the same sermon all the time now from you people
why are you staring into outer space crying
just because you came across it and lost it?
everything reminds me of her (him) -- Elliott Smith

miss him...want to tell him Happy Thanksgiving...don't think I should


Holy Ugliest Dog!

So a few friends have mentioned that getting a dog might help me not to miss blondie so much. Someone else to care for might be good for me, might help me deal with this breakup a little better...but holy shit. I just saw an article about Sam the dog. The Ugliest Dog EVER!!! Bless his ugly mug, he just died at the age of 14. Click here to see CNN's interview with his owner. (Note: If you are eating, you just may want to wait before you view the video. I threw up a little in my mouth when I saw him.)

Yowza...I dunno if I want a dog.

I'm so emo lately

This must stop...

Emo song playing now:
Nothing Better -- The Postal Service


Intelligent Art

This amazing painting is from Trevor Shaw at basemente.com
He has a lot more of his art there. Check him out.

interaction love
This is a really detailed watercolor...
Really interesting work, all of it.


you always said
Inspired by love and pain. I love this sketch. Kinda moves me. Have to look hard to see everything. And theres so much going on here...kinda the way my life feels now. Actually reminds me of blondie somehow, but not in a sad way.

More art from basemente.com

Songs playing during this post:
Cherry Blossom Girl -- Air
Rental Car -- Beck
Never There -- Cake
Bye -- Elliott Smith


Cleanse Your Soul

Make your confession -- no priests allowed to give penance. Fuck that. Just dump. Don't lie. It's anonymous. You've probaly been to group hug before to read other confessions. We've all done or thought about seriously fucked up shit. If you're one of the completely well-adjusted people, then go there anyway and read how the other half thinks, or some of the fucked up situations people have to live with. Then maybe quit complaining about fuck all everyday. Maybe control the hating.

Hahahah, personally I think a lot of these are full of shit, but its pretty damn funny weekend reading.

Feeling it and Finafuckingly Moving On

Playlist that makes me cry like a baby...but feel better. Watercolored to this..terrible painting, but I totally felt like I could deal a bit better. Heavy, sad music for me. Mostly noise (not even), as my sweet Robert would say, with a little Elliott Smith thrown in there for serious angst (love that word). Oh god.

Click here to get these songs:
1. Roses In The Car - (remix) - Braid
2. A Dozen Roses - Braid
3. Everything Reminds Me Of Her - Elliott Smith
4. Everything Means Nothing To Me - Elliott Smith
5. I Better Be Quiet Now - Elliott Smith
6. Love Will Tear Us Apart - Joy Division
7. A-List Actress - Hey Mercedes
8. What You're Up Against - Hey Mercedes
9. Unorchestrated (Live) - Hey Mercedes
10. Wake Up, Decide - Karate
11. Corduroy - Karate
12. Baby Teeth - Karate
13. Reset (featuring Khujo Goodie/Cee-Lo) - Outkast
14. Horses In My Dreams - PJ Harvey
15. F*ck The Pain Away - Peaches
16. Smoke - Alkaline Trio
17. I Keep A Diary - Braid
18. I'm Afraid Of Everything - Braid
19. The New Nathan Detroits - Braid
20. Do You Love Coffee? - Braid