Tender Hearted Drama Queen
Am I a fucking drama queen, or what? I have finally just read through all of my posts, and the further down I read, the more pathetic the posts get...I mean, this breakup and the surrounding events were outrageously, cruelly bad...but my reaction to the breakup was more than a little nutz. I've been choked-up and stoopid for weeks now.
That being the case, this is going to be my last entry for a while.
Not for a long while, but long enough. I guess part of it is to make a point to myself that things have irreversibly changed between blondie and i. Even if we were to get back together in the future, it would not be the same as it was. There is a possibility that things could be even better, but they will definitely not be the same anymore. I just need to move away from the past, and on to the future...whatever it may hold.
So, this journal is going un-updated for a while...a few days, a few weeks, i dunno. Just long enough for me to pull my shit back together. Long enough for me to finally complete some god-forsaken work projects. Long enough to maybe do that bit-part I was asked to do in the local film for animal-assisted therapy. Long enough for me to really live with the whole 'moving on' concept.
I still have to admit that I won't be over that guy, ever. And I would like to stay friends with him, maybe more than friends sometime in the future. But jeezus, I really yarbed out. It took him being totally unavailable and traveling to the states for me to be able to break the pathetic post-breakup spell.
I guess this blog did its job in that I found words to express my sadness at being apart from the love of my life. I dumped big time here. And in the process, I guess I learned that I can't change some things...so, i gotta learn to live with the new circumstances. And now it's more than time for me to do that.
Thanks for reading...I'll be back soon. Blog ya lata.
Songs playing on my playa: Strange Connection -- Low Flying Owls
------: Breathe In -- Braid
------: BlueLight -- Block Party
------: Punk Rock -- Mogwai
------: This Charming Man -- The Smiths