oh man...reading my diary from early last year...
Feb 2005
"wow, as i read over the past few months of my time with blondie, i can see that we have/are creating an epic love story...
my big worry is that i don't want to become a boring married couple type..."
so that was like a year ago...and the last few nites that i've had to contact blondie about getting vpn into my machine, it's almost like nothing has even changed between us.
gawd, i'm in love with that kid!!when this whole vpn madness started, i PayPaled blondie some $$ for his 'trouble' to set up my box in his living room and also for the hydro and connection expense. about 10 minutes later, he refunds it, with the note 'I do not want your money.'
wtf? i wait for like, i dunno, maybe an hour for some other message of whether he's gonna let me vpn into my machine....nothing. i'm guessing he's prolly pissed at me for some unknown reason (which happened for a few months...broke my heart)
so after i get no message from him, i email him just the subject line 'you ok?'...and he emails back with his response...says he's gonna set up my box, yada yada...29 messages back and forth later, i'm done using my box for the nite and he tells me he will leave it on till he gets home from work the next day. cool.
so yesterday when i go to use my box, my fucking Zone Alarm keeps popping up keeping me from accessing some software that i upgraded the previous nite. and that's fine, that's what Zone Alarm is for....but for some reason, my mouse, tab, NOTHING from my end would work to either click Accept Program on Zone Alarm, or allow me to just kill the program...AAARRRRGH!! so all day, i couldn't work on my machine.
so blondie gets home from work...pulls the plug on my machine and puts it back in his closet...after about an hour, i notice my box is offline and the good doctor (blondie) is online. (as an aside, he is not a dr. but that is one of his nics...something like Dr. Blondie...but not...hahaha) anyhoo, so i IM him and ask that he plug my box back in...
i cant really remember how the whole thing went, but the "condensed" version went something like:
(me) my ZA is keeping me from using my program, how was your day? (i.e how did contract negotiations go)
(blondie) negotions were ok. they either need to let me take the job i want or make this job worth my time
(me -- seriously thinking this guy is brilliant, but not going to show me up completely) hey i got some job news too...the largest *** company in the us emailed me and asked for my cv
(blondie) Cool
(me) so blondie, can i have my machine for an hour tonite?
(blondie) that thing is loud as fuck. what was the permission problem?
(me) the software i just upgraded...and can't you put the box in your closet and just do wireless?
(blondie) BLAH BLAH (i seriously dont understand what he was talking about...but the answer was no)
(me-- changing subject) why don't your Live Bookmarks work with your blog anymore?
(blondie) i upgraded servers
(me -- taking my chances) you look very cute in the pics you uploaded
(blondie) great
(me) 'thank you' is the appropriate response...have you no manners?
(blondie) no i do not....'my name is blondie and jesus loves me'
(me) oh gawd...jesus martinez?
(blondie) maybe
(me - ignoring his silliness) so blondie, can i get my machine back for an hour tonite?
(blondie) send n00dz
(me -- ROLLING on the floor laughing...but slightly freaked out cuz this is SO NORMAL, and he's been such a fucking grump since we broke up...) this is Jenns! IM window...not someone else's...but i got some n00dz for ya, yeah baby!
(blondie) send n00dz
(me -- changing subject cuz by now my knees are weak) so you never did answer my question yo
(blondie) try your box now
(me) plz click Accept on my ZA
(blondie) i am going to uninstall it
(me) oh no you dont
(blondie) then you are fucked
(me) fine
(me --living on the edge) i like being fucked...especially by YOU!!
(blondie) i know, you were always begging for IT
(me) yes i was
ohhhhh this is descending down into the pits of complete stupidity -- and if you're still with me after all this...my apologies...lol
(blondie) try and disable it
(me) blondie...my fucking mouse will NOT work on it from here...just click it to disable it from there
(blondie) i have to get up to go use the mouse for your machine
(me) what a lazy arse
(blondie) what a demanding wench
(me REALLY taking my chances) perfect for each other
christ, we are a couple of ranting bitches...we totally make something small turn into a mini IM drama...i think only cuz it gives us an excuse to flirt with each other while trying to sound like hard asses...but its SOOOO FUN!! hahaha
So pxxi? well...here is my take on the whole pxxi thing:
- Before pxxi things were BAD
- My failed attempt at pxxi gave us 2 1/2 weeks of no contact
- My conclusion is that pxxi is mad good at helping mend old wounds
- It helps for couples who were perfect for each other and therefore might reconcile if things don't go down into the depths of meanness...seriously, take a stab at pxxi
- It helps heal broken hearts for couples who are not going to get back together
I think that if i hadn't done pxxi...even though i failed by 5 days...then things would have kept getting ugly with us. in fact, yesterday would have been the final pxxi day, and before yesterday any contact with blondie and i was purely business-like. until yesterday...it got fun again and more like what it used to always be.
So, i dunno...i almost think i wanna go ahead and give pxxi a try again...even if it doesn't last the full 21 days...cuz the thing about blondie and i is that we never had any relationship problems...we were totally into each other...but a HUGE, life changing outside circumstance or 2 came up and pretty much killed things between us...but to see him treating me close to the way he used to before this all went down means everything to me.
Because we are in different countries, there is gonna be no bf/gf thing happening for a long time...i refuse to do the ld thing...well maybe not refuse...but it's hella difficult what with the travel and expense. i'm guessing we will not rush into anything like that at all...
I'm thinking that if we are going to be together forever, this time of getting shit taken care of will not hurt anything with us...we both need our independence and don't like the idea of being smothered by another person. (the idea just gives me shivers....Brrrr) If we can grow our relationship via a long distance relationship, i'm all about that...but once we can get back to the same city as each other...that's when the REAL stuff will start to happen. I'm not settling for less now...i just don't want more until circumstances change a bit. So i guess the perfect scenario for us would be that we just start over...start having fun with each other again like we've done for the past couple of nites, and then when we see each other at conferences, maybe spend some alone time together and see what happens ;)
i'm so into that adorable little shit...
of course, all of this could really mean nothing...